Power of Process

the world of vintage film  photography employing 21st-century innovations for wet processed darkroom silver prints

Power of Process

the world of vintage film  photography employing 21st-century innovations for wet processed darkroom silver prints

The Story Behind Every Photograph

The Story Behind Every Photograph…October, 2024

The Story Behind Every Photograph…October, 2024

Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone         This image came from Yellowstone National Park this past summer. The image may-not jump out illustrating the power and magnificence of YNP. However, what's most rewarding to me, it's not the can't miss hero image everyone makes...

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The Story Behind Every Photograph…September, 2024

The Story Behind Every Photograph…September, 2024

     The September Story Behind Every Photograph over the years has been devoted to imagery I've created in remembrance of the tragedy that rocked our country on September 11th, 2001. This month's image came about last December 22nd when I left CT @ 3:30 am for a...

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The Story Behind Every Photograph…August, 2024

The Story Behind Every Photograph…August, 2024

Cainville Triangles       My wife and I just returned from a 41 day, 9400 mile trip across the country to Yellowstone & Glacier National Parks, up into Canada and then down to Utah (by far my favorite state for photography.) A terrific by-product of driving long...

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