by stevesherman | Sep 22, 2023 | Story Behind the Photograph
[et_pb_text content_tablet=” Lone Tree, Jekyll Island, GA I’ve long believed when applying a creative rendering to a given negative for darkroom Silver printing, %22take the print in the direction it wants to go%22 The same could easily be said when...
by stevesherman | Jul 18, 2023 | Story Behind the Photograph
Reflection, Profile Lake, Franconia, NH Life…when you break it down, it’s as simple and every bit as complicated as Decisions and Opportunities. So, in that spirit I write this month’s Story Behind Every Photograph. My Dad had two metaphors he...
by stevesherman | Jun 25, 2023 | Story Behind the Photograph
StepToe Butte State Park Sunset Before getting into the Story Behind, at first glance look at the images above, and then below, they are reversed, or “flipped”. The top image is how I choose to present the image to the viewer. The bottom image is...