The Story Behind Every Photograph
Monthly…Power of Process Tip
Below is a short video about how progressively designed negatives for Multi-Contrast Silver papers can provide a significant range of options when approached with the idea of a "Contrast Formula" as the foundation.
The Story Behind Every Photograph…July, 2017
This month's Story Behind Every Photograph has for this month only morphed into The Story Behind Steve Sherman's Quest to understand the Mystery of the Creative Process. What I learned was quite a surprise to me and has resulted in an even greater excitement about what my Photography future holds. The narrative which follows is a lengthy and in-depth look complete with visual comparisons and historical facts illustrating the Creative Thought process is attainable to all once we...
Monthly Power of Process Tip
Hartford City Hall Staircase 110mm Schneinder Super Symar FP 4 f 22.5 @ 3 minutes 15 secs. N - 4 Pyrocat HD Minimal Agitation The Eye / Brain relationship can process huge amounts of contrast and therefore many times with Film we have to compress huge amounts of contrast just to create a literal rendering of a particular scene. Such is the case in Hartford City Hall, click the link below for a short discussion with a student who traveled from Argentina to learn my Power of Process and...
Response to Transparent article
My rebuttal to the Magic Formulas and Photographer's Romance with the Nonsense is at the end in italics, but first here is a direct comparison between two identically exposed 7" X 17 " J&C 200 film shot back in 2003 and processed upon my return home. The following two negatives were some of the very first negatives I processed via Semi-Stand forms of development back in 2003 in my quest to find a predictable method to process film in a Reduced Agitation form of development where...