The Story Behind Every Photograph
The Story Behind Every Photograph…September, 2022
I love to write about trends that seem to go outside normal thinking. I read the book Art & Fear every time I get on an airplane for a photography trip. The biggest takeaway from the book is a college art professor divides the class in half and charges one half with making one supreme work of art in a given time frame. While the other half of the class is instructed to make as much art as they can in the same given timeframe. The time-frame ends and the work is evaluated, invariably...
The Story Behind Every Photograph…August, 2022
This Back Story came about waiting at a traffic light going to my granddaughter's softball allstar game last month. For context, growing up in the 60's, my Dad would constantly admonish me, sometimes several times each day and in different "Pay Attention". If there were a high school course in day-dreaming, I would have been the teacher's pet. This month’s Story is more about the metaphor of the two versions of Lower Antelope Canyon seen above, then the actual execution of...
The Story Behind Every Photograph…July, 2022
Being a perfectionist is a slippery slope, in my beginning photography years I would sometimes misread the technical side of exposure and or film development. Other times more skilled photographers would point out compositional elements that could be improved upon. This would lead to returning to a location to fine tune any or all of the aforementioned flaws.Almost always the scene would not be the same which naturally lead to frustration and a sense of failure to simply not get it right...
The Story Behind Every Photograph…June 2022
Occasionally I have shared and written about photographic images that have a significant historical background story to the location. Such is the case with this month's Story Behind Every Photograph. I enjoy the aspect of researching the history behind a particular location made famous by notable photographers. On the site of this image, not far from my vantage point stood two of the biggest names in photography, albeit, during the infancy of the medium. By in large the genre of...