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Mentorship Subscription details here...
Mentorship Subscriptions are made possible by advancements in video streaming applications. Zoom is a significant improvement over Skype and is free to the subscriber, not only on this continent but for subscribers I have mentored in other countries.
Mentorship Subscriptions begin on the first day of any month and are offered in a 6 or 12 month timeframe with the potential for extending the subscription on a month to month basis. Sharing the 5 components of my Power of Process philosopies and techniques of negative design and silver printing in a one week workshop would be a challenge for any competent photographer. The beauty of the Mentorship Subscription is the entire process is spread out over 6 – 12 or even 18 months with practice assignments which we discuss in weekly video computer sessions. Retention of concepts and techniques stay with you indefinitely. Continued email access to me for troubleshooting is lifetime. The video sharing function allows you to work from your home computer saving travel expense and valuable vacation time. Most of all the program allows you to work at your own pace, practicing and implementing my techniques. The idea is truly the best value for your dollar !!
You may reach out to previous and current Subscribers for their observations and opinions, simply email me and I’ll pass on their email address. My very first subscriber offered this critique of my Mentorship Subscription, “The weekly Mentorship meetings and work critiques are fantastic and worth the price alone. I consider myself a fairly experienced photographer and I was totally surprised at how much I had learned in the first 3 months. Steve brings his considerable talent to bear with an easy and comfortable manner, always encouraging and building a sound foundation in each step of his process”. John Thacker, California, Mentorship Subscriber