Let me help you learn to…
Dance in the Dark
ONE on ONE Workshop details...
The goal of my ONE on ONE workshops is for participants to come away with an understanding of why and how various techniques work and are implemented. Principles I have both developed myself or learned over my 35 + years in Black and White Large Format traditional film and wet process photography. These principles will provide a working foundation going forward allowing students to impart their own particular style to their work. Emphasis will be on standardization of methodology from conception to print. Understanding these tools and techniques are key in allowing you to implement and adapt a work flow that is in keeping with your own goals and aspirations.
The workshops take place in my 450 sq. ft. darkroom located in Rocky Hill, CT. Multiple day workshops are designed around a hands on approach. Participants will learn to eliminate as many variables as possible to ensure accurate and repeatable results with a minimum of testing and a maximum of making photographs.
It is my belief the creative process is a function of photographic maturity. We will discuss and demonstrate various techniques, which can support and affect a creative approach. My techniques and methods will streamline the road to photographic maturity, with maturity comes refined and focused creativity.
The ONE on ONE workshops can be 1-5 days and must involve at least one weekend day. Typical days run 8-5 with an onsite lunch. The last weekend of each month is not available. Occasionally, I have hosted TWO on ONE workshops where the participants are comfortable with each other’s skill set and will not impede the learning process. The 2nd participant is 50 % day rate as a means to realize a price reduction for each participant.
1st day: $ 500.00
2nd day: $ 400.00
3rd & 4th days: $ 350.00
Week long: $ 1900.00
- There is a Credit Card or Paypal option below to send a deposit or the full amount for the ONE on ONE Workshop time commitment. Please send me an email detailing the challenges you hope to address and your goals for our time together. Include in the email any dietary restrictions or preferences you may have.
Film workshops:
Extreme Minimal Agitation, EMA has opened up potentials in film processing never before seen. No other technique in film processing can actually change the characteristic curve of any film. When used in moderation heighten mid tone contrast relationships similar to unsharp masking are the result. Because this is an organic process the results are smoother yet more vibrant in the mid tone region.
In multi-day film oriented workshops we will go on location exposing film in extreme lighting conditions. To fully demonstrate the potential of my Power of Process methods we will make negatives requiring both extreme contraction and expansion. These location shoots can happen early in the morning depending on time of year.
Printing Workshops:
Multi-Contrast papers have changed the possibilities in Silver Printing. Why building contrast with negative development actually reduces the potential for increased mid tone contrast. When combined with well designed negatives for modern Multi-Contrast papers using a Split Grade Contrast printing technique the potential for dramatic departures from reality are with everyone’s reach
Archival printing and toning methods will be demonstrated during all phases of the wet process. Split contrast printing, specific contrast for small areas, print mapping, print flashing, bleaching, hot developer and split toning are just a few of the techniques demonstrated during the workshop.
ONE on ONE Workshop details...
The goal of my ONE on ONE workshops is for participants to come away with an understanding of why and how various techniques work and are implemented. Principles I have both developed myself or learned over my 35 + years in Black and White Large Format traditional film and wet process photography. These principles will provide a working foundation going forward allowing students to impart their own particular style to their work. Emphasis will be on standardization of methodology from conception to print. Understanding these tools and techniques are key in allowing you to implement and adapt a work flow that is in keeping with your own goals and aspirations.
The workshops take place in my 450 sq. ft. darkroom located in Rocky Hill, CT. Multiple day workshops are designed around a hands on approach. Participants will learn to eliminate as many variables as possible to ensure accurate and repeatable results with a minimum of testing and a maximum of making photographs.
It is my belief the creative process is a function of photographic maturity. We will discuss and demonstrate various techniques, which can support and affect a creative approach. My techniques and methods will streamline the road to photographic maturity, with maturity comes refined and focused creativity.
The ONE on ONE workshops can be 1-5 days and must involve at least one weekend day. Typical days run 8-5 with an onsite lunch. The last weekend of each month is not available. Occasionally, I have hosted TWO on ONE workshops where the participants are comfortable with each other’s skill set and will not impede the learning process. The 2nd participant is 50 % day rate as a means to realize a price reduction for each participant.
1st day: $ 500.00
2nd day: $ 400.00
3rd & 4th days: $ 350.00
Week long: $ 1900.00
- There is a Credit Card or Paypal option below to send a deposit or the full amount for the ONE on ONE Workshop time commitment. Please send me an email detailing the challenges you hope to address and your goals for our time together. Include in the email any dietary restrictions or preferences you may have.
Film workshops:
Extreme Minimal Agitation, EMA has opened up potentials in film processing never before seen. No other technique in film processing can actually change the characteristic curve of any film. When used in moderation heighten mid tone contrast relationships similar to unsharp masking are the result. Because this is an organic process the results are smoother yet more vibrant in the mid tone region.
In multi-day film oriented workshops we will go on location exposing film in extreme lighting conditions. To fully demonstrate the potential of my Power of Process methods we will make negatives requiring both extreme contraction and expansion. These location shoots can happen early in the morning depending on time of year.
Printing Workshops:
Multi-Contrast papers have changed the possibilities in Silver Printing. Why building contrast with negative development actually reduces the potential for increased mid tone contrast. When combined with well designed negatives for modern Multi-Contrast papers using a Split Grade Contrast printing technique the potential for dramatic departures from reality are with everyone’s reach
Archival printing and toning methods will be demonstrated during all phases of the wet process. Split contrast printing, specific contrast for small areas, print mapping, print flashing, bleaching, hot developer and split toning are just a few of the techniques demonstrated during the workshop.